
Boys In School

We have taken a hard look at the bias against boys in schools and how they are often discriminated...

Struggling for the Hearts and Minds of Children

The call for “parental responsibility” is increasing in direct proportion to the irresponsibility...

Protecting Kids from Exploitation

For Christian parents, the struggle to protect children from the culture goes far beyond junk food...

Baby Boomer Parents Asleep at the Wheel

What goes on in universities these days is another sad story, where postmodernism is unopposed and...

Pedophiles and Pornography

Never forget that pedophiles (individuals who sexually abuse children) roam the landscape looking...

Q&A – Training Kids to Kill

Question: I believe you said on your radio program one time that we are actually training children...

Time, Traditions, and Undivided Attention

Building relationships with children does not require large amounts of money. A lifelong bond often...

The First Five Minutes

Here’s another idea relevant to relationships that I think makes a lot of sense. It’s...

Q&A – How To Talk To Grandchildren

Question: I have seven grandchildren that I think are just wonderful, but I don’t know how to...

America Leads the World in Single Parenting

We receive letters, phone calls, and e-mail responses at Family Talk every month, some of them coming...

Advice for Single Moms Raising Sons

Now let me offer some additional hope and advice to single mothers. Even though the studies indicate...

Grandparents Should Help Single Parents

Let me turn now to the people who are most likely to give you the help you need. I’m referring...