
Can Santa and Jesus Coexist?

Question: As a child, Christmas was always my favorite time of the year. I really enjoyed hearing...

Speaking the Truth in Love

Americans know intuitively that something is wrong with the idea of legally endorsing same-sex “marriages.”...

A Message To Husbands and Wives

To Husbands

It is high time you realized that your wives are under attack today! Everything...

Understanding Your Child's Personality

Letter to Dr. Dobson From A Gay Man

Staying Faithful To Our Beliefs

There are other stories behind the life and death of my relatives, which I won’t share with...

The Trappings Of Success

It took me a while to get my own priorities straightened out. Indeed, I almost made the greatest mistake...

You Are a Good Parent

Q: My wife and I are new Christians, and we now realize that we raised our kids by the wrong principles....

Raising Kids in the Rat Race

The eighth most common source of depression among the women completing our questionnaire was 'Problems...

Sex Before Marriage?

Q. I believe it is not harmful to have sexual intercourse before marriage, if the couple has a meaningful...

Three Ideas for a Husband to Understand His Wife

From this discussion of the universal problem... fatigue and time pressure... what related concepts...

Women Have Needs That Men Do Not Comprehend

"Home-work" imposes some special frustrations and tensions on women, and we should face...