
Promiscuity Observed

According to a study of 19,000 teens by the National Institutes of Health, promiscuous girls were...

Play With Fire; Get Burned

Have you ever driven your car up to the window of a fast-food restaurant and been shocked to see your...

Deadly Blind Spot

Given the fact that casual intercourse and other forms of sexual intimacy are wreaking physical and...

Hope Not Lost

When one considers adolescent society and its obsession with the dark side of popular culture, we...

Making A Comeback

Wendy Shalit deserves the credit for taking on the hookup culture and explaining why girls and young...

The Parental Factor

According to Christine Kim, a policy analyst for the Heritage Foundation, “Parental factors...

Six Things Every Parent Should Know

The American family is broken. Not entirely shattered, but certainly broken. When more than half...

A Development Journey

What I will share at this point might get a bit technical. I’ll try not to overwhelm you with...

Drama! Drama! Drama!

Don’t be surprised if your prepubescent kids have heard from older siblings or friends that...

The Four Seasons

Let’s talk about the monthly cycle and how it influences the female mind and body. It is impossible...

The Cuddle Hormone

Before we leave the subject of hormones that come into play at this time, there is another secretion...

Girls and Bullying

According to the National Education Association, more than 160,000 children stay home from school...