
Bullying and Girls: Cliques and Control

Perhaps you read the news story about thirteen-year-old Megan Meier, who was an overweight, unhappy...

Popularity Contest

“Friends and enemies” will be the key to everything for your daughter in the middle school...

Girls Need To Belong

Many of the girls who are at the bottom of the social ladder at school are also rejected at home by...

If Nancy Is Safe, I’m Safe Too

Some years ago a woman told me about her experience as a room mother for her daughter’s fourth-grade...

Raising Daughters Right

The title I have chosen for this book, Bringing Up Girls, makes a fundamental assertion. It assumes...

Who Wouldn’t Want to be A Princess?

Why are girls so taken with the princess fantasy? Our daughter, Danae, has loved the princess fantasy...

A Quest for Respect and Dignity

“To be a princess is to be considered beautiful, to be pursued, and to see all your hopes and...

The Princess Problem

Not everyone is thrilled about the reemergence of the princess movement, of course. Some feminists...

Worshiping Physical Beauty

Dear Dr. Dobson, My name is Renee. I read your article called “True Beauty,” and although...

Femininity Begins with Self-Respect

I grew up in a solid Christian home. My father was an evangelist who traveled extensively, holding...

She Can Make or Break Him

Question: You said that girls and women have a lot of influence on men and that they hold the keys...

Coed Sports

Question: You mentioned that girls and boys often approach organized sports from entirely different...