Elisabeth Elliot describes her courtship with the famous missionary Jim Elliot, who was later killed...
The Supreme Court recently struck down the Defense of Marriage Act. What is our response? Our response...
The President says HE supports same-sex marriage. Yet, when the issue has been put to the American people...
In a culture rife with ROTTEN messages about how men and women should interact, it's no wonder that more...
Feminist lies are EXPOSED, by the legendary conservative leader, Phyllis Schlafly. She'll explain how...
When you stood at the altar with your spouse, you probably expected to be together forever...after all,...
Money wars, in-laws conflict...even just plain selfishness - they're all marriage killers! How can any...
Marriage can be one of the greatest blessings in life, but if you don't have the basic tools to work...
Ever wonder what it takes to make a marriage last 20, 30, 50 years? As Dr. Dobson approaches his 50th...
After 33 years of ministry at Focus on the Family, the Dobsons take the stage to address the staff one...
Cancer. It's a word that many of us know all too well. Whether through family, friends or even ourselves,...
Reading about life in biblical times, have you ever wondered how to relate? Robert and Bobbie Wolgemuth...