Within two short years, Jonathan Evans, the son of Dr. Tony Evans, and his wife, Kanika, lost eight members...
According to Rita Schulte (SHOOL-tee), her high school sweetheart, Mike, was “superman.” Not only...
The walking wounded are all around us. They’re propped up by their wealth, their beauty, and their...
It seems that today we live in a world immersed in a morally relativistic fog. On today’s edition of...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a spiritual wound. That’s the contention of Chad Robichaux (Row-ba-show),...
After eight tours of duty in Afghanistan, Chad Robichaux (Row-ba-show) had seen it all. From the brutality...
On February 20, 2022, Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. Within days of the attack, Chad Robichaux...
According to Jon and Marylois Gibson, there are two important rules for a committed, dating Christian...
On today’s edition of Family Talk, Jon and Marylois Gibson share practical advice on a marriage that...
For various reasons, adolescence can be emotionally difficult for teenagers. Their lack of self-worth...
When Muslim terrorists crashed two planes into the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11,...
According to Dr. James Dobson, “An inheritance is something you leave to someone, while a legacy is...