Who would have thought there would ever be a need to ask the question, “What is a woman?” On today’s...
Your voice matters! Never has there been a time when this powerful statement was more necessary to promote....
Many people casually believe that marriage should be a 50/50 proposition. But we need to be careful that...
Contrary to the claims of pop culture, true love is not just an emotional term, and not necessarily romantic....
Did you know that Dr. James Dobson once prayed for King Charles III, causing him to be 45 minutes late...
After years of listening to Dr. James Dobson, you may think you know all of his stories, but you might...
Cardiovascular disease and various types of cancer still top the charts as the major cause of death worldwide....
Adultery and lust are deep-rooted sins that continue to plague marriages and families. On today’s classic...
Society today attempts to water down or trivialize adultery, but according to the Bible, it is not acceptable...
In our society, men are often unfairly depicted as uncaring and unthoughtful, when in reality, they are...
It’s no secret that men and women were created drastically different from one another. For that reason,...