What does it mean to truly love your kids? How can parents develop relationships with their children...
In a society where the problem of fatherlessness has perpetuated, masculinity is being painted as toxic...
Society measures a persons success by their accomplishments and fortune. On this timeless Family Talk...
How can parents train their children to live out biblical truth in a culture that blatantly opposes Christian...
One of the major problems in the church today is the lack of clear understanding of Biblical truth. Dr....
When we experience difficult and painful times in life, the only true source of hope we have is in Jesus....
Parents have been entrusted to develop a healthy and godly learning environment for their kids. But once...
Romans chapter 5 says to rejoice in our suffering because trials develop perseverance, character, and...
Traditional wedding vows say, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till...
God has always had a unique and perfect plan for the relationship between men and women. Dr. Dobson is...
Staying committed and faithful in marriage requires hard work and dedication from both husband and wife....
Ephesians instructs husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the church. On this classic Family Talk...