
Single Moms and Sons

As I have been writing the words of this chapter, my thoughts have turned repeatedly to the single...

Q&A – Do Kids Bounce Back Quickly from Divorce?

Question: I know that divorce is tough on kids when it happens. But what are the long-term implications...

Q&A – Is the Case for Fatherhood Universally Accepted?

Question: Anyone who knows anything about boys can see that they need warm and loving relationships...

A Good Family Man in Today’s World

Let’s look more closely at what constitutes “a good family man” in today’s...

Fathers Teaching by Example

It is difficult to summarize the subtleties and complexities of the human personality, and they were...

Releasing Your Child

No matter how much you prepare, letting go is never easy. The late Erma Bombeck likened the parenting...

What Are Boys Made Of?

In an article entitled, “What Are Boys Made Of?” reporter Paula Gray Hunker quoted a mother...

Boys and Risky Behavior

Canadian psychologist Barbara Morrongiello studied the different ways boys and girls think about risky...

Raising Good Boys in the Postmodern Age

We want to help parents raise “good” boys in this postmodern age. The culture is at war...

Vive la Différence

One of the most enjoyable aspects of my responsibility at the ministry is to review the letters, telephone...

Boys and Girls Are The Same? The Unisex Movement

Even a child can see that boys and girls are different. Unfortunately, what is obvious to most children...

Protecting Sexual Identity

Unfortunately, the ideas that were spawned in the seventies and perpetuated in a different form today...