Victorious! The David Ring Story - Part 3 (Transcript)

David Ring: Aren't you glad? God's ways are higher than mine. How could I ever get down in the dumps? I live in pain every day. Every waking moment my body aches in pain. But when I look at what God's done, I say, "God, no pain, no gain." I'm so blessed, Dr. Dobson. The first thing I'm going to say to my Lord when I see him, I'm going to say, "Lord, why have you been so good to me?" Count your many blessings. Name them one by one. It will blow your ever loving mind what the Lord hath done. And it's my prayer when the Lord looks at me, he might say, "Well done. Well done good and faithful servant. You've been faithful over a few things. I'm going to make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of the Lord." Dr. Dobson, Miss Shirley, I have cerebral palsy, but thank God, cerebral palsy don't have me one bit.

Roger Marsh: Well, that is how we ended the Family Talk broadcast last time. And I'll tell you, I was blown away by our guest David Ring. I'm Roger Marsh here with your host psychologist and author, Dr. James Dobson. And doctor, if our listeners are anything like me, they've been listening the past couple of days of our conversation here, listening to David Ring talk and speak, and they've been so blown away by what we've heard over the past couple of days, they want to hear more from David Ring.

Dr. Dobson: Well, for those who didn't hear our broadcast the last two days, I can only say shame on you. You should have heard them, because these programs that we've been listening to featuring David Ring are, I think, among the highlights of the year, and those who didn't hear them really ought to contact us. And I think, Roger, you'll tell people how to do that.

Roger Marsh: I will indeed.

Dr. Dobson: But David Ring was sharing at length about his personal story of how he was born was cerebral palsy and how he has faced incredible difficulty and grief, both from his condition and through losing his mother and father, and floundering for a while, wondering what use he could possibly be to the world or to the kingdom of God. But he went on to college, and he's become an evangelist and a speaker with over 35 years of experience now. And I have no doubt that because of his work, tens of thousands of people have come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. And I do hope that by our sharing it again today that there will be many others who will understand the message of salvation and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Now, at the end of the program yesterday, I kind of teased what we're going to hear today. But you're going to enjoy this discussion. After David Ring had left everybody in tears, and then people applauded and applauded. It went on and on because there was such appreciation for this man. And I walked up on the platform and I invited David to come back, and he returned to the platform. And I interviewed him about his life, about his experience as an individual with cerebral palsy, and also about his love for the Lord. And we're going to let you hear that now. Afterward, we have another little surprise for you. So with that, let's hear David Ring finishing his day with us. It was right before Thanksgiving, a very special day. We had a large crowd there and you will not regret hearing what's about to occur.

Roger Marsh: You will definitely not regret it indeed. So let's jump right into that interview, right now on Family Talk.

Dr. Dobson: What a great message. And I just want to come here and thank you for having the courage to not let life destroy you, and for giving your disability to the Lord and letting him use it. If we had to take a microphone through this entire building and interview each person on a very personal way, you're right. Every single person is carrying some burden. There are no exceptions. Everyone. And because of what you've done with your life and allowing God to use it, you give all of us the courage to carry our burdens, and I want to thank you for that.

David Ring: Thank you.

Dr. Dobson: Was there a point when your mother died where you could have gone either way?

David Ring: Oh, absolutely.

Dr. Dobson: Was there a point at which you just really almost gave up?

David Ring: Absolutely. And don't forget, they gave me 35 minutes, and I left out a lot of my life. But Dr. Dobson, I used to play on the Interstate, on 70 through St. Louis.

Dr. Dobson: In the hopes that you would get hit?

David Ring: I would beg, I would beg a semi to put my body in the grave, of that semi, because the pain down deep would never beat the pain in my body. I attempted suicide daily. But by the grace of God he kept me alive because- Dr. Dobson, we only see a glimpse, but God sees the whole picture. And it's not an overnight deal. It's a process. But I thank God, God had other plans for my life than being in the grave.

Dr. Dobson: When you were right at that point of decision between despair and courage, was the Lord standing there?

David Ring: Absolutely.

Dr. Dobson: But you didn't see him?

David Ring: No, no.

Dr. Dobson: And you didn't feel him?

David Ring: I thought he was mad at me. I thought he was mad at me, angry. I thought he forgot my name. I thought he went, took me lunch when my mama died. But Dr. Dobson, picture, you've been around the block many, many, many, many-

Dr. Dobson: Too many trips.

David Ring: And I'm not selling anything to you. But I just thank God that each day of my life, and I even said, "God, if you love me like the Bible says, why?" We all said that. But our wonderful Lord said that on the cross, "My God, my God, why have thou forsaken me?" You know why the Lord had to go through that? Because he saw James Dobson, David Ring coming down a long and lonely road. So my message is, don't give up because joy will come in the morning.

Dr. Dobson: You know that goes out there and hits certain people?

David Ring: Yeah.

Dr. Dobson: You know that they've been about ready to give up?

David Ring: Yep.

Dr. Dobson: Any last thing you want to say to them?

David Ring: Some of you going through hell today, but all I got to say: keep on moving. Keep on moving because one day you're going to look back and the hell, that phone call you got, that we [inaudible 00:10:33], the doctor told you your baby, it's crippled. Oh one day you're going to look back and say, "In the valley, in my valley, I grown the tallest." So don't give up. Do it [inaudible 11:03], but don't give up. You are saying, "You don't understand my story." And you know what? You're right. I don't. He don't. Your story is not in a textbook. Your story's in the heart of God.

And my friends, it's hard to fathom. But take the scale off for a moment, off your eyes, because the one that knows you the best loves you the most. You are looking at a living miracle. I'm nothing special. I put my britches on just like he does one leg at a time. But my friend, I hope that you might pick up the torch. You might say, "I may not [inaudible 00:12:38]," but you are changing lives by the millions. And Dr. Dobson, God gave me a platform to encourage not only the disabled, but the abled, because everybody feel sorry for themself. But I thank God that you can say, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible..." The only absolute: "the Bible tells me so."

Dr. Dobson: Yes. I want to leave you with an invitation. We are planning an unbelievable reunion on the other side on resurrection morning. And will you praise Jesus Christ forever and get us off to a good start on that morning?

David Ring: Amen, brother. Let me pick up on that, and I'm not preaching. Your daddy, with the Lord?

Dr. Dobson: That's right. My mother, my father, my grandmother, my grandfather, my great-grandmother my great-grandfather. You want me to keep going? I mean, I've got a heritage in that all are going to be there.

David Ring: If I believe the Book, your mama and daddy met my mama and daddy. And they are sitting [inaudible 00:14:42] in the center seat.

Dr. Dobson: You know what?

David Ring: And [crosstalk 00:14:44].

Dr. Dobson: There's a cloud-

David Ring: Look at my boy.

Dr. Dobson: There's a cloud of witnesses up there right now. They're looking down on us.

David Ring: Yeah. Look at my boys together.

Dr. Dobson: And you know something else? Your mama's in that crowd, and she's proud of you.

Roger Marsh: You're listening to Family Talk as we've heard from the inspirational speaker David Ring. Well, David Ring wasn't the only guest during that special chapel service. There was another rather unexpected, but definitely honored guest as well. Little Sally Hess. She's the daughter of a friend of doctor and Shirley's. Dr. Dobson asked Sally to join him up on the platform. And in just a few short minutes she was on the stage, I think she must've hugged him and kissed him at least three or four times. It was really, really precious. Really a precious moment from a rather precocious little girl. And I think you'll see why we enjoyed their brief conversation so much. Here now is Dr. Dobson with Sally Hess.

Dr. Dobson: While I was sitting down here and before chapel started, little Sally Hess came down around, and came and hugged me. I don't know if you saw her, and said that she loved me. And I want her to come up here. Would you do that? Sally's going to come up here. Sally, you're seven years old aren't you?

Sally Hess: Yes.

Dr. Dobson: Why did you come hug me and tell me that you loved me?

Sally Hess: Because I am very thankful that you care about all the children that are being aborted in our country, and that you just love those babies and you really care about it. That's what I like.

Dr. Dobson: Would you express your love to Sally?

Sally Hess: I love you.

Dr. Dobson: What?

Sally Hess: I truly do love you.

Dr. Dobson: You know what? I love you, too. And why do you care about the babies so much?

Sally Hess: Well, because I love them and I like them, and they're also very cute. I just like seeing babies being alive and cared for.

Dr. Dobson: Yeah. You have six... five brothers and sisters, right? Yeah.

Sally Hess: I have five.

Dr. Dobson: I want to say to you all that several weeks ago all six members of this family, which is just one of the finest families I've ever met, each wrote me a love letter. And you wrote me one, too, didn't you?

Sally Hess: Yes.

Dr. Dobson: And down at the bottom it said, "With a little help from my mother," right? Yeah. Well, do you love Jesus?

Sally Hess: Yes, I definitely do.

Dr. Dobson: How long have you known Him?

Sally Hess: Let's see.

Dr. Dobson: How old were you when you found Jesus?

Sally Hess: Six years old.

Dr. Dobson: So last year.

Sally Hess: Yes.

Dr. Dobson: You bowed and you asked Jesus to come into your heart?

Sally Hess: Yes.

Dr. Dobson: And what did He say?

Sally Hess: Yes.

Dr. Dobson: Well, He has a place for you and something for you to do. Did you enjoy hearing our guest today, David Ring?

Sally Hess: Yes.

Dr. Dobson: Did you understand him?

Sally Hess: Yes.

Dr. Dobson: Everything?

Sally Hess: Yes.

Dr. Dobson: Okay, Sally. Thank you for giving me that hug. That's the finest thing that's happened to me in a long time. Blessings to you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Sally Hess: You, too.

Dr. Dobson: Okay. All right. Thank you everybody. Let's stand together.

Lord, as Sally gave me a hug of encouragement, I think you've given one to every member that's here today. There are just times when you just reach down and let us get a glimpse of you and let us know that you haven't lost track of us, that you love us and that you're working out your plan. And even though it involves pain at times as we've heard this morning, and discouragement and fear and anxiety and apprehension, you are working through it. And we thank you for that. And I pray that for those that came here today with a heavy burden, you would lift it. And that this season would be a time of great celebration for all of us, because you love us and you know who we are and what's our problem indeed. In Thy name we ask these things. Amen.

Roger Marsh: And that is how a very memorable Thanksgiving chapel service ended with a lot of emotion. And with that prayer from you, Dr. Dobson, it was an incredibly meaningful conclusion to this three-day Family Talk broadcast, such an inspiring talk from David Ring.

Dr. Dobson: Roger, I don't know if people can tell it from this recording, but everyone was in tears that day and for a very, very good reason. First because of my conversation kind of ending our day with David Ring. And then, of course, young Sally Hess came up and let me interview her, and she reached over and kissed me again. I mean, what a precious little girl. In fact, there was a photographer there who took a picture at that moment. And I was writing Bringing Up Girls when this occurred. And as a way of illustrating the beautiful little girls that I was writing about, I put that picture on the inside of the back cover of my book, and I hope you get a chance to see it.

Roger Marsh: It's certainly a beautiful picture indeed.

Dr. Dobson: Sally told me that she loved me because of my love for unborn children, for pre-born children, for those who are not given a chance at life, and also talking about disabilities and for the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception until natural death. This has been a cornerstone of my life and my ministry over these nearly four decades now. And I don't apologize for coming back to them over and over again, because this is what I care about. God made every one of us unique, and He gave his only begotten son for us that we might have eternal life.

Roger Marsh: Amen.

Dr. Dobson: Those who accept him and accept his forgiveness for sin will be with him throughout eternity. So that is a theme that means more to me than anything else. David Ring's story drives home the message that each and every life is sacred, and it has something to offer to the communities and to the kingdom of God. Now, some people will see someone like David and only perceive his disability. I see a man like this with incredible spirit who has dedicated his life to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. And I hope that his message today has brought a ray of hope and joy and salvation to those who are listening.

Roger Marsh: Well, I'm sure it has, Dr. Dobson. So let me share with our listeners how they can get a copy of this broadcast because you need to hear it again. But also think of that person in your world. I can think of several people at my church right now who will benefit from hearing this and I'm going to get a copy of it, too.

First of all, you can always listen online. To hear this story again, you can download it. You can share it with friends. You'll find us at Now you can also call us at (877) 732-6825 to learn how to get a CD of the entire three-day program as well. The two parts that we aired of David Ring speaking, and then also his special interview with Dr. Dobson, and Dr. Dobson's interaction with Sally Hess, a beautiful little girl. I hope that many of you will get a copy of this CD.

And of course, we also have information about David Ring's ministry online as well. You can check out his calendar to find out if he'll be speaking in a town near you. I think he's booked solid through all next year. So he's got lots of opportunities for us to see him. The web address for all that information, again, is

And while you're online, be sure to check out our many great resources for marriage and parenting, and also faithful Christian living, too. You can also engage with us on our Facebook page, share your thoughts about this or any other program, or let us know how resources are impacting your life. We're on our Facebook page quite often throughout the day and the week. So we love hearing from our listeners right there.

As you know, Family Talk is a listener supported ministry, so we exist because of your prayers and your gifts. No gift is too small. No gift is too large, of course. We truly appreciate every dollar that you entrust with us. Together we are working to create resources that touch lives now and for eternity. So be sure to call us at (877) 732-6825, or you can donate online at And please know how much we appreciate you partnering with us. Be sure to join us again next time on the next edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk.

Announcer: This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.

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