Q&A – Kids and Video Games

Question: What is your opinion of Nintendo and other kinds of video games? They've been claiming a big portion of our son's time over the past few months, and I'm getting uneasy about it.

Answer: Depending on the particular games in question, you may have a valid cause for concern. Dr. Vince Hammond, head of the National Coalition on Television Violence, has described the potentially harmful nature of video games, especially those with violent themes. Some observers have come to the conclusion that these games can become obsessive and encourage aggressive behavior. There's even evidence to suggest that children between the ages of eight and ten are 80 percent more likely to fight with one another after playing with them.

I'd advise you to put clear limits on the amount of time your son will be allowed to spend with video games or the Internet so that he won't become obsessed with them. Insist that he avoid the violent ones altogether. With realistic guidelines I think it's possible to keep this kind of activity under control rather than let it control your son and your family.

The The Complete Marriage and Family Home Reference Guide

By Dr. James Dobson

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