In the late 1960's, a whole new culture for raising children came about, an "anything goes" mentality...
Kim Meeder shares that true forgiveness is choosing to let go of all the feelings and frustrations we...
Kim Meeder tells of her encounter with a mountain lion and the tools and commands God gave her to stand...
Our culture pushes the lie that how you look is more important than how you live, but the truth is that...
The culture, the enemy, is lying about what true beauty is. Our focus needs to remain on Jesus and the...
Girls want and need to belong. Allow them to express insecurities and share that you know what it's...
Adolescent girls often feel life does not make sense. Moms need to think about their own personal teenage...
If your daughter exhibits problems with sleeping, eating, she has dropped out of activities or mentions...
Sharon Hersh the discusses the fear and depression parents feel when their teenagers go off the deep...