A daughter's responsibility is to stick with her husband; pray, talk and resolve her situation and not...
The father-daughter relationship is very special for many reasons. Fathers need to be tender and protective...
Dr. Dobson focuses on how the father-daughter relationship changes from 'parent and child' to friends...
Some grown daughters do not have a good relationship with their earthly fathers, but many say they don't...
Danae Dobson speaks about the changing responsibility a father has in a daughter's life, especially in...
Dr. Dobson introduces the topic of fathers and grown daughters with his guests Danae Dobson and Herb...
Danae Dobson discusses the importance of approval and encouragement from fathers. Herb Fisher speaks...
Dr. Dobson's guests say they trained their children from an early age to work around the house, as much...
Dr. Dobson asks guest Marcia Hekman how she willingly and gratefully accepted all that came with having...
Guests Randy and Marcia Hekman tell Nathan's story: children are created in the image of God, and belong...