Parents are naturally motivated to stay informed about proper immunizations for their children. But did...
The alleged connection between childhood immunizations and autism has created controversy for over a...
We all know that financial planning should begin when we're in our 20s, but the reality is that many...
Sadly, many orphans get bounced around from home to home, never really able to put down roots. It's the...
Guests Billy Jack and Anne Barrett have opened their hearts and home to hurting teenagers who were tossed...
With jobs so scarce in the current economy, it might be tempting to spend 60 or 70 hours a week at the...
When you're at work, you feel like you're neglecting your home life - yet when you're at home, you're...
When he was 12 years old, his mother walked into the room and said, "Pack your things...we're leaving."...
Scripture tells us that God hates divorce and grieves for each child caught in the middle of a failing...
It's never too late to invest in your children. Youth camp leader Joe White talks about the importance...
Dr. Dobson's interview continues with youth camp leader Joe White, talks about the importance of building...
Are your finances tight these days? Do you regularly live in a state of constant stress because of an...