Conflict is a natural outcome from being overprotected and spoiled as a youngster. As a result for Cliff,...
Every parent needs a game plan when it comes to raising their children. Then most importantly, they must...
A parent's journey of faith will impact his or her children's lives. God will use the righteous path...
The Bible makes it clear that we are to care for the widows and orphans of our day. What are you doing...
A single mom, with faith and love for her children, can make it. Single parents must not transfer their...
A single Mom needs a male role model for her young boys, but this should not necessarily be someone she...
Most single parents live within a constant state of exhaustion, stress, anxiety and fatigue. As a result,...
Sexually transmitted diseases can totally change the direction of a person's life. Dr. Dobson leads a...
Dr. Dobson shares the spiritual component of training children and modeling behavior with regard to sexual...
The discussion turns to the fact that Christian ministries and the church need to educate people about...
Most inner city parents can't afford summer camps, but Kids Across America is a non-profit program designed...