The St Johns introduce the subject of homeschooling with its challenges and blessings. The option of...
Dr. Dobson talks about being able to protect the child's spirit with home school. Education is never...
Whenever possible, let a child pursue what he or she is genuinely interested in, and watch the enthusiasm...
Heidi and Jay discuss why they home school. They want to disciple their own children and give them a...
Dads are encouraged to be the cheerleader for moms who home school. The group talks about the difference...
Heidi teaches mothers how to balance, take breaks, ask for help, and set schedules in order to not burn...
Dr. Dobson introduces Dr. Ray Moore, the pioneer of the home schooling movement. His two books, Better...
Home school has various approaches to include traditional books to unit storytelling studies are discussed....
Dr. Moore speaks to the remedial reading issues that children face from schooling too early in life....
Dr. Dobson and Dr. Moore discuss values projected by the Head Start Program. They focus on what a child...