Dr. Dobson introduces Coach Gene Stallings and his son Johnny, who has Down syndrome. Hearing the love...
Mary Beth and Steven Curtis share the story of looking for some a sign after she passed away. They found...
LuAnne and Mary Beth speak to the mother's heart and landing on the foundation of Jesus while going through...
Dr. Dobson has Steven recap the tragic accident and the effect it had on everyone in the family. They...
Mary Beth recalls the initial days after the accident and how how her life has played out since that...
Steven tells about the accident, praying for God to raise her from the dead, and witnessing to the hospital...
Dr. Dobson introduces the Chapman family and their tragic loss of a child. Their entire world stopped...
Dr. Dobson summarizes yesterday broadcast with Dave Ramsey. They discuss impulse buying and how that...
Dr. Dobson reviews neurological and hormonal changes in puberty for girls. This has a profound effect...
Dr. Dobson speaks to the fact that during this time of childhood the most urgent biological impulse is...
Dr. Dobson tells us genetics determines hormones in a teen brain but evidence is showing that relationships...