Dr. Dobson introduces his son Ryan, his passion for young hurting people, serving the Lord and making...
Heather and her father describe even worse conditions that she experienced as she continued abusing substances...
Dr. Stone shares a tearful exchange when they were in the midst of problems with Heather as a rebellious...
Heather shares her alcohol poisoning incident. She graduated high school and went to the Joshua Wilderness...
Dr. Stone talks about all the ways they tried to help their teenager that was into drugs and alcohol...
Dr. Dobson reintroduces Dr. Charles Stone and his daughter Heather to tell the encouraging side of their...
Heather describes changes that occurred with peers, grades, schools, dress, and boys while she was looking...
Heather shares her story, the events which began to crush her spirit, and her reaction to authority figures...
Dr. Dobson introduces Dr. Stone and his daughter Heather and their book. The conversation begins a discussion...
Dr. Dobson introduces the ranch and the founders Kim and Troy Meeder. He has Kim tell her childhood...
Dr. Dobson interviews a young girl. Due to her experience at the ranch she was able to lead her father...
Teenagers often feel demoralized and numb. Hopelessness leading to depression and deadness leading to...