[FT_DRAFT]Assembling a support group is the A in sanity. N - nip excuses in the bud, theirs and mine....
[FT_DRAFT]Dr. Dobson introduces Allison Bottke and her personal story of childhood. And her story of...
[FT_DRAFT]Not as a believer Allison was out of touch, and she was enabling and rescuing him from everything....
[FT_DRAFT]Helping is doing for someone something they cannot do themselves. Enabling is doing for someone...
Find out why it’s important for parents to resist playing God in adult children's lives when they abandon...
Guests Jay and Heidi St. John say it is not enough to focus on your children--even more important, parents...
[FT_DRAFT]The danger with social media is time consuming and if you are discontent with your life it...