Dr. Dobson introduces the Chapman family and their tragic loss of a child. Their entire world stopped...
Dr. Dobson summarizes yesterday broadcast with Dave Ramsey. They discuss impulse buying and how that...
Dr. Dobson reviews neurological and hormonal changes in puberty for girls. This has a profound effect...
Dr. Dobson speaks to the fact that during this time of childhood the most urgent biological impulse is...
Dr. Dobson tells us genetics determines hormones in a teen brain but evidence is showing that relationships...
Dr. Dobson goes into detail about the effects of oxytocin on teenage girls creating trust and confidence....
Dr. Dobson refers to his book Preparing for Adolescence and describes what the typical girl...
Dr, Dobson explains the biological and physical transformation occurring during puberty for girls. ...
Greg tells us his early childhood stories, his mother, stepfathers, and Oscar Laurie. He followed his...
Dr. Dobson discusses the alpha girl leader of the pack. Others girls are not treated well if they do...
]Dr. Dobson meets with a mother and daughter to discuss the social changes which occurred in middle school...