The discussion turns to how Kristen was in school early versus middle and high school. Dr. Dobson harkens...
Kristen talks about home schooling and public school, wanting to be accepted, being bullied and taking...
Kristen and her mom discuss all the issues which arose in trying to fit it. Dr. Dobson comments that...
Patti, Katy, and Laurie discuss the values for American Heritage Girls. Establishing this was a mission...
Dr. Dobson and LuAnn Crane recap yesterdays conversation of how Girl Scouts have change and introduced...
Dr. Dobson visits with five of the girls from AHG, asking them what they like and learn and what it means...
Dr. Dobson exposes the movement of GSUSA with the founders of American Heritage Girls touching on the...
A panel of guests discuss how God uses people as conduits to bring hope to those in need, and an idea...