Dr. Dobson reintroduces General Chuck Krulak and his father Victor Krulak, and begin a discussion about...
His sons and wife reassured guest Tommy Nelson that God was going to take him through this depression...
Guest Sarah Aust talks about how she was sexually and emotionally abused from age 11-14 and threatened...
Guest Kurt Bruner says we are losing the next generation and that parents need to be more intentional...
Guest Kurt Bruner says the Church can make it easier for parents to be intentional about teaching faith...
Guests Russ and June Gordon share the loss, grief, guilt and self condemnation of having had an abortion...
Guests Russ and June Gordon speak to couples who have experienced the loss and grief of miscarriage --...
Guests Russ and June Gordon suggest that to deal with the grief you'll need to speak about it over and...