Becky Harling shares her story of her anxiety for her children and the struggle with her own childhood...
Same sex bathrooms have quickly become a problem in the U.S. Jonathan M. Saenz and Tim LeFever share...
Even human nature is against same sex bathrooms. Jonathan M. Saenz and Tim LeFever warns how same sex...
The victory in Texas on same-sex bathrooms was huge. Jonathan M. Saenz and Tim LeFever discuss the legislation...
Jonathan M. Saenz and Tim LeFever share with Dr. Dobson the gravity of the bathroom legislation and explain...
Jonathan M. Saenz and Tim LeFever discuss with Dr. Dobson the issue of government mandated same-sex bathrooms...
Dr. Jack Graham talks about how sin has separated us from God, reminding us of our need for purity and...
Guest Sandra Felton says that a "messie" is someone who is chronically disorganized in their approach...
Dr. Dobson introduces Dr. Palau and his ministry and equates the strength of the nation to the strength...
Dr. Palau and Dr. Dobson discuss the moral decline of America, and how that same moral decline occurred...
Dr. Dobson asks Dr. Palau to speak to the person who wants salvation in Jesus and to help lead them in...