Guests Kerry and Chris Shook speak about strengthening the bonds in marriage--intentionally. Intentionality...
Guests Chris and Kerry Shook speak about technology impacting marriage--with social media, etc.--and...
Guests Kerry and Chris's first book, "One Month To Live" focuses on how differently you'd treat your...
Guests Chris and Kerry Shook answer Dr. Dobson's questions about how to be vulnerable enough to answer...
Dr. Dobson's guests Kerry and Chris Shook say they want to be more in love at the last sight of each...
Guests Kerry and Chris Shook talk about how they limit their time with technology, particularly Facebook,...
[FT_DRAFT]Jealousy can dominate a person. King Saul left with his jealousy and no anointing. That is...
[FT_DRAFT]Jealousy thrives on deep seated resentment. Destroying families and friendships. Dr. R. T...
[FT_DRAFT]Jealousy can get into any of us and it will kill us. Can always see in others but not ourselves....