Guest Phyllis Schlafly points to the need to be involved in political action. She rejects the idea that...
Guest Phyllis Schlafly talks about why men can't stand up for what they believe in about women--Why men...
Guest Phyllis Schlafly describes the destructive effect the feminist movement has had on our culture,...
Guest Phyllis Schlafly talks about a completely different way for women to view work, marriage, family...
Guest Phyllis Schlafly says that there are many good career options for women who want to lead a traditional...
Dr. Dobson introduces guest Phyllis Schlafly, who talks about the feminist movement and its impact on...
Guest Phyllis Schlafly discusses the State of Women today as a result of the feminism movement. Left...
Guest Bill Kennedy says he thanked Jesus for letting him go through his struggles. His spouse Debbie...
Guests Bill and Deb Kennedy say to assure prisoners that God loves them, that He may not like what they...
Dr. Dobson introduces Bill and Deb Kennedy. Bill was falsely convicted of racketeering and mail fraud,...