Jesus modeled a life of unhurried-ness. But guest Arch Hart notes that Western culture is addicted to...
Guest R. T. Kendall says that we all have a thorn in the flesh, that this differs from trials in that...
Guest Rebecca St. James points out that marriage is not a glorified version of dating.. The divorce card...
A message from guest Rebecca St. James -- God is working to prepare you to be a bride, and you are becoming...
Guest Rebecca St. James says that her ministry of purity is more powerful since she became married. She...
Guest Rebecca St. James's new book talks about what guys are really thinking about dating, love, marriage....
Guest Rebecca St. James points out that TRUE -- God calls us to trust Him, but single people can't stay...
Guest David Jeremiah reminds us that infidelity is hereditary in that we all inherited sin from Adam...
Guest David Jeremiah talks about how family reaches into every dimension of society, particularly the...
Dr. Dobson and guests Robert and Bobbie Wolgemuth tee up a light-hearted yet insightful "baseball" analogy...