When we're deeply wounded by someone we've trusted, forgiveness is oftentimes the furthest thought in...
"Turning the other cheek," as Jesus commanded in Scripture, is especially difficult after we've been...
Shockingly, 25% of married Christian couples maintain separate bank accounts! Shaunti Feldhahn, the author...
The number one topic that Jesus addressed during His earthly ministry was money. Today, Dr. James Dobson...
In Isaiah chapter 41, God tells the prophet, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am...
Conflict is a predictable part of every marriage, but it shouldn't become a habit. Dr. Tim Clinton and...
Even when marriages endure extreme hardships, reconciliation is still possible. Today Dr. Dobson concludes...
40 years ago, Dr. Dobson wrote Love Must Be Tough to encourage couples to fight for each other...
God created marriage to honor and reflect Him, which is why Satan works so tirelessly to destroy that...
The missionary Jim Elliot once wrote, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which...
The purported goal of 1960s-style feminism was to "free" women from their oppressive lifestyles. The...
As the culture continues to blur traditional gender roles, believers must remember God's calling for...