How do you build a marriage that lasts? What are the important qualities that need to be present for...
How can you best encourage your spouse? You might be surprised! Hear from a wife who found new sources...
When you joyously married your sweetheart, could you fathom being separated from them for a year? Or...
Your neighbor's husband was deployed three months ago... You see her piling the kids into the car by...
Boys in the girls' locker room? Girls who identify as boys using the men's room at school? According...
Marriage is a beautiful picture of a man and wife becoming one...but what happens when a spouse feels...
It might be the worst possible kind of grief, but if you know someone who has walked the agonizing path...
We've all heard that the divorce rates in the U.S. are abysmal , for those inside AND outside of the...
It used to be called "shacking up" or "living in sin." But now, we simply call it, "living together."...
Though we are often told that we should be financially prepared for the death of a spouse, few of us...
Ladies, do you ever wonder where all the "REAL" men have gone? Those men who are neither chauvinist nor...