Linda Dillow shares from her book, "What's it Like Being Married to Me," and invites men to ask this...
Linda Dillow talks about the importance, to women, of touch that is not sexual--that shows adoration....
Grace Prescott shares how her future is in God's hands and how she keeps her heart trained on Him. She...
Guest Laura Petherbridge discusses the topic of remarriage and taking on a whole new family. She notes...
Guest Rebecca St. James talks about what guys really think about dating, love, and marriage. She interviewed...
Guest Rebecca St. James says it was worth the wait. But God also wants to redeem those who have sinned,...
Guest Rebecca St. James exhorts that marriage is not a glorified version of dating. Rather, it is God...
Guest Rebecca St. James believes God is working in you as He prepares you to be a bride. You are becoming...
Dr. Dobson's guest, Rebecca St. James, borrows from Scripture to point out that hope deferred makes the...
Rebecca St. James tells Dr. Dobson she believes that God calls on unmarried people to trust in Him, but...
Together, the Dobson family discusses biblical references to hospitality, and how Jesus used the 'table...
The Dobson family discusses how men and children (and even grandchildren) can be part of a "hospitality...