The discussion with guests Archibald Hart and Sharon Hart May turns to the baggage brought from divorced...
The Harts continue the discussion of building a relationship and marriage that you'll want to come home...
Guest Sharon Hart May discusses different types of therapies that are becoming more successful these...
The Hart's discuss what makes a safe haven in a marriage--i.e., the kind of attachment or bonding that...
Dr. Dobson has guest Sharon Hart May share how she survived when her spouse was killed in an auto accident;...
Guests Archibald Hart and Sharon Hart May discuss the baggage that people can bring to a marriage from...
Guest Dennis Rainey speaks of the need to edify mates in the biblical sense. He lists ten signs of low...
Dr. Dobson and guest Dennis Rainey speak to taking time in a marriage, sometimes letting go of commitments...
Guest Dennis Rainey discusses some of the building blocks from his book for increasing self-esteem in...