Guest Sandra Felton speaks to those who may feel bad about how their house looks and works, and addresses...
Guest Nick Vujicic reflects on being married and a father. He says that even before his son was born,...
Guest Joe White talks about the "non-negotiables" women should look for in a man: faith, integrity, tells...
Guest Rabbi Daniel Lapin discusses the books of the Bible, written in God's language with hidden meanings...
Dr. Dobson's panel of guests talk about the difficulties of getting the kids to church. How do others...
Shirley Dobson pays tribute to her husband, telling of their college days, of his personal qualities,...
Dr. Dobson shares a letter he wrote to Shirley at a marriage encounter entitled, "Why Do I Want To Continue...
Dr. Dobson summarizes that this is what it is all about for him -- and so Family Talk will be delving...