A healthy marriage takes hard work and intentionality, unlike the Hollywood portrayal of effortless relationships....
Many marriages today are bombarded by hardships, like a ship in the midst of a storm. Is restoration...
Announcer: Today, on Family Talk. Roger Marsh: Well, welcome, everyone, to this Friday edition...
Announcer: Today on Family Talk. Roger Marsh: Since the Garden of Eden, the devil has sought...
Is your relationship adultery proof? Have you established defenses around your marriage? pastor and author...
Since the Garden of Eden, Satan has sought to destroy the institution of marriage. On this Family Talk...
Scripture calls men to step up, and be responsible, godly leaders in their homes. Dr. Dobson welcomes...
Is marrying for personal happiness such a bad idea? On this Family Talk program, Larry and Sue Wright...
Many couples find the prospect of divorce a glaring and painful inevitability. Larry Wright will share...
God is our constant source of shelter, even when we ‘walk through the valley of death’. On this Family...
In the Old Testament, sacrifices were practiced to atone for Israel’s sin and rebellion. On this Friday...