Christian musician, Matt Hammitt, had a prominent career as the lead singer of Sanctus Real. Sadly, his...
The late Dr. D. James Kennedy was a faithful evangelical warrior until his death in 2007. Today’s Family...
Historically, colleges and universities were institutions dedicated to a free exchange of ideas. Sadly,...
In the midst of this unprecedented global crisis, what is God trying to say to His people? On this special...
On April 15, 2013, 2 terrorists set off homemade bombs at the Boston Marathon, killing 3 people and injuring...
Social research reveals that a meager one in six men in America regularly attend church. On today’s...
In the midst of this pandemic, there is a startling rise in mental health issues affecting millions of...
Over the last few weeks, the medical and humanitarian relief communities around the country have mobilized...
Should Christians be fearful of COVID-19, or use this crisis as an opportunity to advance God’s Kingdom?...