On this special edition of Family Talk, Dr. Tim Clinton talks about the newly released movie Overcomer,...
On todays Family Talk broadcast, you will hear Dr. Ben Carsons speech from the 2019 Western Conservative...
Jesus said, whatever you do for the least of these, you do for Me. On this special edition of Family...
Progressive ideologies have infiltrated our Colleges and universities, warping the minds of our young...
Historically, Colleges and universities were places dedicated to open dialogue and a free exchange of...
Culture is on a mission to confuse and corrupt our young girls, but the church must be willing to stand...
The Bible tells us that no one knows when Christ will return. We can, however, surmise that the end is...
Christ warns believers that they will endure immense tribulation while living in this fallen world. On...
In this increasingly hostile culture, the body of Christ must be ready to defend itself and rely on Gods...
Americas Judeo-Christian heritage and moral bedrock are being constantly bombarded by progressive ideologies....
Suffering and life changing trials are rarely seen as shining examples to aspire to. hear from one of...