Over the past decade, Christians living in Nigeria have been savagely attacked by the terrorist group,...
2 Corinthians chapter 12 reminds us to boast in our weaknesses so that we may fully experience God's...
Mark Twain once said, "Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand." The late author, counselor...
In schools across this country, an obscene, progressive curriculum is being forced upon the innocent...
America's "Sexual Revolution" in the 60's and 70's was touted as a liberating crusade, but in reality,...
Within a secular culture that is biased against religion, Christians and Jews need to better appreciate...
America’s Judeo-Christian founding institutionalized our freedom of religion, which extends to people...
With a lack of principled leaders in our society today, we must look back to godly men and women from...
Great leaders throughout history are revered for their passion and unrelenting insistence on doing what...
When we are deeply wounded by someone we trust, forgiveness is oftentimes the furthest thought in our...
Turning the other cheek, as Jesus commands in Scripture, is especially difficult after we are hurt by...