In 1993, missionaries Dave and Barb Anderson were flying to Alaska after evangelizing in a remote region...
People who delve into gambling sometimes find it's a seductive path fraught with greed and compulsion....
Ten million Americans are crippled by their gambling addiction. Whether they waste their money in the...
When her 6-year-old son, Brandon, had to be life-flighted to the hospital after a severe seizure, Rhonda...
On today’s edition of Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk, Rhonda Stoppe, author of Moms Raising Sons...
Today's young women have been deceived. They've been told, especially by social media influencers, that...
For 30 years, convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell operated as a licensed doctor and abortion provider,...
When people hurt us, our sinful instinct is to hurt them back. But on today's edition of Family Talk,...
Twelve years ago, when doctors told Pastor Jack Graham that they might not have removed all of his prostate...
Despite an early introduction to Christianity, Tara-Leigh Cobble confesses that she wasted years passing...
Christian parents instinctively know that they're in a battle with Satan himself for the souls of their...
If one of your kids seems hard-wired to be more combative and challenging of your authority, don't get...