You're not supposed to feel lonely when you're married...right? When your husband is sleeping right beside...
America has a great history, but are you praying for its great future? Be inspired to lift up our nation's...
Changes in our laws are slowly making it more difficult to openly share the Christian faith in many sectors,...
Ebola. ISIS. Radical Islam. Financial crises. The world seems to be unraveling out of control. But what...
What does marriage in light of eternity look like? What are the qualities of a Gospel-centered marriage?...
Ben Carson shares his testimony on how prayer brought powerful change in his life, and in our nation....
Merry Christmas! to celebrate Christs miraculous birth with you, Dr. Dobson shares a special message...
ISIS is devastating the middle east, killing Christians, raping women, and destroying families. On today's...
Although most people are afraid of ISIS and evacuating the area, Victor Marx and his team are going into...
Family Talk listeners call in to share how the ministry has impacted their lives. Hear their inspiring...