Listen in as we analyze the dramatic shake-up that occurred in Washington, DC in November, 2010. Pro-life...
Today Jill recounts how son, Zachary, rejoiced when the Supreme Court upheld the partial-birth abortion...
Has anyone ever told you that you have your mom's nose, or your dad's chin? Many people grow up never...
The alleged connection between childhood immunizations and autism has created controversy for over a...
We live in a nation in which many different opinions, beliefs, and religions co-exist. In such a landscape,...
Ryan Dobson goes straight to the Scriptures as he discusses what it means to stand up for absolute truth...
Guest Dave Ramsey says that while rising debt is the most frequent problem people face, another common...
Dr. Dobson speaks with public policy expert, Gary Bauer, who weighs in on election outcomes and what...
Dr. Dobson and guest Lon Solomon take an in-depth look at the topic of brokenness, a gift that no one...
Guests Billy Jack and Anne Barrett have opened their hearts and home to hurting teenagers who were tossed...
With jobs so scarce in the current economy, it might be tempting to spend 60 or 70 hours a week at the...
When you're at work, you feel like you're neglecting your home life - yet when you're at home, you're...