Freedom of religion is a fundamental right from God not from government. Chuck Colson reads his two-minute...
The issue of pornography and children issue is discussed. Children get hooked on pornography at young...
Discussion focuses on the Supreme Court decision regarding Christian Legal Society, parental rights in...
We need all moral courage and strength for today's world dangers. Founding fathers said only vitreous...
Jeremiah spoke of his torturing, taped confessions and using Morse code blinking his eyes to send messages...
Dr. Dobson discusses Jeremiah's solitary confinement as a POW during the war. Jeremiah comments that...
David Barton tells the history of the American Revolution from a biblical perspective. Americans used...
Adam McNamus takes a call from Dr. Dobson on his radio show. Callers thank him for standing up for the...
David comments on what happened in Valley Forge and Battle of Yorktown. We should celebrate the 4th...
David tells history of Ethan Allen and The Green Mountain Boys. He comments that they fought to protect...
Dr. Dobson introduces David Barton as an evangelist and historian to speak about America. He desires...