Guest Ken Davis talks about how to bring people to understand Biblical truths and principles through...
Guest Ken Davis says never stop delivering a message of hope, God can always redeem the day. And if you...
Guest Bob McKuen parallels the cancer his wife is fighting to the advance stage of cancer America is...
Guest Rick Perry days that our Nation is sliding toward moral depravity and cultural chaos. Many Americans...
[FT_DRAFT]Shirley discusses the lawsuit that tried to declare the national day of prayer unconstitutional....
Dr. Dobson believes that Christians and pastors are being intimidated by activists and aren't speaking...
[FT_DRAFT]Dr. Dobson introduces Allison Bottke and her personal story of childhood. And her story of...
[FT_DRAFT]Not as a believer Allison was out of touch, and she was enabling and rescuing him from everything....
[FT_DRAFT]Helping is doing for someone something they cannot do themselves. Enabling is doing for someone...
Find out why it’s important for parents to resist playing God in adult children's lives when they abandon...