Guest David Murrow describes a church where the pastor does a Men's Huddle at the end of each service,...
Guest David Murrow encourages women to pray and witness to their men. He recommends that you find a church...
Guest David Murrow encourages women to pray and find a church full of men (because men follow men). He...
Dr. Dobson reads from Bringing Up Boys about the nature of boys, and says that sitting quietly in church...
Guest David Murrow speaks to the disconnect of churches not connecting with men. He describes Jesus'...
Guest David Murrow explains that the target audience of most church communications is women, hence they...
Dr. Dobson introduces David Murrow and his book, "Why Men Hate Going to Church" -- and discuss statistics...
Dr. Dobson and guest Tony Dungy discuss his high school football days, college and early career as a...
Dr. Dobson' interview with Tony Dungy continues... JCD speaks of Tony being consistent in his walk with...
Guest Tony Dungy speaks about his short career at Tampa Bay and how when they terminated him, he knew...