Guests Ron and Loretta Murray speak about their son and about turning to the Lord for answers. They asked...
Guest Ron Murray speaks to the fact that weapons and explosions of anger had never been part of their...
Guest Ken Davis says that "comfortable faith" is no faith at all. The race God has called us to run is...
Dr. Dobson's daughter, guest Danae Dobson talks about "Welcome To Our Table," which she co-authored with...
Together, the Dobson family discusses biblical references to hospitality, and how Jesus used the 'table...
The Dobson family discusses how men and children (and even grandchildren) can be part of a "hospitality...
Dr. Dobson and guest Joe White talk about all the little things that parents can do to encourage the...
Guest legendary musician Pat Boone talks about auditions in his early career and college time as teacher-preacher....
Guest Pat Boone talks about his company and how a percentage of sales goes to feeding the hungry, among...
Dr. Dobson and guest entertainment legend Pat Boone talk about film opportunities in Hollywood that he...