Guest combat vet Don Stratton describes the events when a million pounds of ammunition exploded below...
Guest WW2 veteran Don Stratton says our country must stay very alert--even now--because history has a...
Guest Don Stratton recalls when FDR summarized the Japanese offensive of December 7th and declared war...
Guest Loretta Murray talks about the rejection ADHD kids feel, and the difficulty people have understanding...
Dr. Dobson introduces Don Stratton, who was stationed on the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941 when Pearl...
The two families talk about going to see the place where the Works daughters died and inside the church,...
Guest Laurie Works speaks about the fact that even as the shots were ringing, out she was already forgiving...
Dr. Dobson's guests, the Works family speak of love and forgiveness as a requirement of a walk with Jesus....
Dr. Dobson introduces David Works, who tells the story of the shooting of his children from a father's...
Dr. Dobson recalls Columbine, Missionary Training Center, and Aurora Theater shootings, leading up to...