Scott, one of the Larimore kids abused with his siblings by a babysitter, saved the family because he...
Dr. Dobson speaks with the Larimore family about the sexual abuse of their two children, age 3 and 6,...
Guest Darlene Rose sensed God was saying, "My child whom I love I chasten." She says God make her a good...
Guest Darlene Rose talks about her sense of abandonment by God, but how in Faith she was able to remain...
Grace Prescott shares how her future is in God's hands and how she keeps her heart trained on Him. She...
Dr. Dobson introduces a new book written by his wife Shirley and daughter Danae Dobson, which is about...
The Dobson family discusses the role of men in influencing children and grandchildren, and how they play...
Dr. Dobson suggests parents tell children that there are bad people who do harm to others without getting...