Passion is love expressed at the cross. A parent's job is to instill that passion and purpose in their...
Joe White shares how at Kanakuk Kamps they pour positives into the kids. That gives them courage and...
How does the church deal with LGBT policies regarding the military? Many military pastors are facing...
The current administration is calling for increased diversity and is chipping away at unit cohesion in...
Guests Linda and Lorraine discuss their personal stories with spirituality vs. sexuality as a common...
The question of "When is it too soon to teach your children about the evils of abortions (and many other...
Dr. Wayne Grudem, Ryan, Luanne and Dr. Dobson talk about how certain freedoms are slowly being taken...
Dr. Dobson and his guests talk about the roles that God and Christianity play in government today and...
The ideology behind separation of church and state is discussed and as well as Christians who have had...