Dr. Dobson and guest Kurt Bruner ruminate on the beautiful iconic picture of God on earth as depicted...
Guest Wayne Grudem discusses the concept of submission and when it violates God's commands. He says it...
Guest Wayne Grudem says that if we ignore God's requirement of submission, then we will ignore His leading...
Guest Jerry Jenkins discusses the Internet and how pornography is easily accessible. He also talks about...
Guest Jerry Jenkins talks about how to convey to your spouse how men are wired and that temptations do...
Dr. Dobson discusses marriage and infidelity and guarding against lust--and re-introduces Jerry Jenkins...
Dr. Dobson and guest Jerry Jenkins introduce the subject of infidelity as being the single biggest marriage...
Guest Cindi McMenamin encourages women to pray for God to fill their needs and extend grace to their...
Guest Dineen Miller talks about taking children to church, and how there should be no compromise on that...
Guests Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller discuss the loneliness that comes in waiting for God to answer...