Tracey wrote a book called Alone Yet Not Alone, which is about two of her ancestors that were abducted...
The guest gives part of his testimony, how he was a fool and how he had to humble himself. Never give...
Marriages can be restored after infidelity. Cindy gives her perspective of dealing with her husband...
Praying together as a family can feel awkward when you're just beginning the habit. But going to God...
Dr. Youssef talks about the family and how God should be the center of your home. He highlights the...
Dr. Dobson believes God Ordained marriage in the Garden of Eden and set the foundation of civilization,...
Dr. Dobson and his co-hosts introduce the challenges women face in God's vision of their role in marriage.....
Guest Dorothy Kelley talks about how God created women and what their role in marriage should be. She...
Guests Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus discuss the reasons God created sex as a gift to married couples...
Dr. Dobson asks guests Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus if teaching on sex in marriage is a subject that...
Dr. Dobson has guest Sharon Hart May share how she survived when her spouse was killed in an auto accident;...
Guest Kerry Shook's first book "One Month To Live" focuses on what you would change if you only had one...