Guest David Barton speaks to the biblical foundations of the Founding Fathers, who processed the issues...
Guest David Barton describes the French and Indian war and how George Washington (and others) believed...
Guest David Barton asserts that current writings about the Founding Fathers are incorrect. The truth,...
Guest David Barton says he is most concerned about the apathy of American voters, Christians most of...
Guest David Barton reminds us that we have enjoyed so much prosperity in this country that we have forgotten...
Guest Katie Davis says she has learned to think of loneliness not as sadness. Also--exposing children...
Guest Katie Davis discusses the sponsorship and caring of families, as well as the need for a local school...
Dr. Dobson and guest Laurence White talk about Pastor Martin Niemoller and how Germany, which was 90%...
Dr. Dobson's guest Laurence White says that the devil twists and distorts our environment and that if...