Guest Erin Brownback speaks about the tactical strategy messaging of the transgender bathroom issue....
Guest Erin Brownback talks about strategic messaging changes in our language today, and says we need...
Guests John Jackson and Brad Bright predict that the upcoming election will be the most pivotal in our...
Guest Erin Brownback talks about her upbringing and the unique position she is in to talk about God's...
Guest John Jackson says that this bill, if passed, would change the face of Christian Education and threaten...
Dr. Dobson introduces John Jackson and discusses the fight for righteousness. They concur that the pace...
Guest John Jackson encourages parents that Biblical teaching of our children continues throughout a child's...
Dr. Dobson asks guest Richard Hosley what he sees ahead for his life. HIs response is that he hopes to...
Dr. Dobson introduces Tim Clinton and notes his affiliation with the American Association of Christian...