Last year, Joni Eareckson Tada celebrated 52 years as a quadriplegic, displaying her reliance on Gods...
When we experience difficult and painful times in life, the only true source of hope we have is in Jesus....
Romans chapter 5 says to rejoice in our suffering because trials develop perseverance, character, and...
Paul challenges us in Ephesians to be quick to forgive because Christ has forgiven our sins. youll hear...
In Christ, our old self has been replaced by a renewed identity. the late writer and speaker Gertrude...
Scripture tells us that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God. On todays Family...
Every day we must honor God by living out our faith, and boldly sharing the Gospel with anyone who will...
Discord, divisiveness, and despair seem to dominate the news cycle these days. The Gospel offers a message...
Psalm 46 reminds us that God is a present help in times of trouble, but we sometimes lose track of God...
President Eisenhower once said, When you are in any contest, you should work as if there were a chance...
America, in recent years, has succumb to the false ideas of moral relativism, and forgotten the Christian...
Parenting can be an overwhelming job, which drives some moms, who struggle in handling stress, to lash...